DMX Radio Control Transmitter PRODUCT OUTLINE
The 12V PWM/DC Remote Control system comprises a mains powered Transmitter, which accepts a DMX512 control signal and battery operated Receiver/Dimmers. Each receiver/dimmer module can provide combinations of Pulse Width Modulated (PWM), DC or relay outputs.
The system can operate in the 433Mhz,458, 472Mhz or 860Mhz licence exempt bands (specified at time of order), allowing world wide application.
This remote control system utilises commercial specification RF telemetry modules from a respected specialist UK manufacturer. They meet the European ETS 300 220 specification and are fully synthesised to allow maximum frequency flexibility with the synthesiser 'loaded' as part of the assembly. This ensures the frequency information is stored in the radio and is non-volatile.
1U Rackmount transmitter
16 or 32 slot DMX footprint
14 or 30 controllable outputs
Operation in licence exempt RF bands
8 user selectable frequencies (RF channels)
Test modes allow system verification without use of DMX source
3 digit DMX start address selection
Signal present / data transmission / system fault diagnostic mimics
See Also
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